Government Directory

Not too sure which Ministry it falls under?

Electoral Office
Commission's Building, Jewel Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3336 / 3184
Fax: (767) 448 3399
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Conference Room266 3188
Database Administrator266 3181
Executive Officer266 3336
Junior Clerk266 3184
Office Attendant266 3186

Establishment, Personnel and Training Department (EPTD)
4th Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3274
Fax: (767) 448 5044
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief Personnel Officer Secretary266 3274
Administrative Assistant / Facilities Management266 3244
Administrative Assistant / Organisational Development266 3283
Administrative Assistant / Personnel Management266 3940
Administrative Officer / Personnel266 3273
Customer Service Centre / Reception266 3000
Data Entry Clerk266 3263
Executive Officer / Contracts Management266 3924
Maintenance Technician266 3047
PBX Operating Unit266 3506 / 3000
Photocopying Unit (Ground Floor)266 3503
Registration Clerk266 3926
Security Guards / Janitor (Ground Floor)266 3252
Senior Administrative Officer266 3223
Senior Clerk / Leave266 3295
Senior Customer Service Representative - EPTD266 3230
Senior Systems Analyst266 3317
Votes Clerk266 3030

Government Headquarters
Ground Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Fax: (767) 448 5044

Information Booth266 3000
Security266 3252
Switchboard266 3506 / 3100
Maintenance266 3047

Public Service Training Centre (PSTC)
4th Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5200
Fax: (767) 448 0005
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administrative Officer266 5201
Senior Clerk266 5200
Training and Development Assistant266 5368

House of Assembly
Victoria Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3291
Fax: (767) 449 8353
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Speaker of the House266 3290
Computer Room266 4499
Leader of the Opposition266 3284
Prime Minister's Room266 3560
Security266 3130
Senior Clerk266 3101

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy
2nd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3271
Fax: (767) 448 7999
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Permanent Secretary's Secretary's Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minister's Secretary266 3211
Permanent Secretary's Secretary266 3282
Communications Officer266 3366
Director of Agriculture266 3810
Executive Officer / Personnel266 3439
Filing/Registration Clerk266 3271
Junior Clerk/Projects266 3269
Senior Administrative Officer266 3268
Senior Clerk/ Accounts266 3596
Senior Executive Officer266 3272
Special Projects Coordinator266 3528
Technical Officer / Projects Services266 3580
Votes266 3270 / 3099

Agricultural Information, Communication and Technology Unit (AICTU)
Botanical Gardens, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3804

Agriculture Investment Unit266 3390
Banana Recovery and Sustainable Rehab Plan Project / Technical Officer266 3580
Coordinator for Banana and Plantain266 3957
Executive Assistant / Field Officer266 3390
Liaison for Ministry of Agriculture and Aid Bank266 3366
Programme Officer266 3425
Secretary266 3805

Agriculture Investment Unit
2nd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3390
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Banana Recovery & Sustainable Rehab Plan Project/Technical Officer266 3580
Coordinator for Banana and Plantain266 3957
Director266 3544
Executive Assistant/Field Officer266 3390
Liaison for Ministry of Agriculture and Aid Bank266 3366
Programme Officer266 3425

Banana and Plantain Unit
2nd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5924

Castle Bruce Farmers' Centre
Castle Bruce
Tel: (767) 266 4210

Central Agricultural Region
Ground Floor, Vanoulst House
Tel: (767) 266 3994
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Agricultural Officer 1266 3949

Division of Agriculture
Ground Floor, Vanoulst House, Goodwill Road
Tel: (767) 266 3807
Fax: (767) 448 8632
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Agricultural Library266 3813
Agriculture Information and Communication Unit266 3804 / 3805
Castle Bruce Farmers' Centre266 4210
Central Livestock Farm - Londonderry266 4347
Citrus Certification266 3808
Diagnostic Lab266 3830
Executive Officer266 3812
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)266 3821
La Plaine Training Centre266 4455
Land Use Zoning Project266 3805
Melville Hall Farmers Service Centre266 4029
Plant Protection and Quarantine266 3820
Portsmouth Agricultural Station266 4415
Produce Chemist Laboratory266 3826 / 3828
Technical Officer - Projects Services266 3814
Technical Officer / Extension266 3822
Veterinary Unit266 3824
West Agriculture Region266 4096

Fisheries Division
2nd Floor Government Headquarters, Kennedy Ave, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5291
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief Fisheries Officer266 5263
Data Unit266 5261
Fisheries Liaison Officers266 5265 / 5266
Sales and Marketing Assistant266 5267
Senior Fisheries Officer266 3544

Grand Bay Agricultural Station
Grand Bay
Tel: (767) 446 3759

Hillsborough Agricultural Station
Tel: (767) 266 4213

La Plaine Training Centre
La Plaine
Tel: (767) 266 4455

Melville Hall Farmers Service Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4209

North East Agricultural Region
Tel: (767) 266 3108

Team Lead266 3116

One Mile Agricultural Station
Tel: (767) 266 4415

Waitukubuli National Trail Project Management Unit
Pond Casse
Tel: (767) 266 3593
Fax: (767) 440 6123
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administrative Assistant266 3593
Conference Room266 3592
Direct Line440 6125
Forester Quarters266 4142
Interpretation Room266 4143
Project Officer / Engineering Assistant II266 5275
Promotions and Resource Development Office266 3581 / 3589
Senior Clerk266 3593
Trail Operations Officer266 3582
Trail Technical Officer266 3583
Woodwork Shop / Jimmit449 3389

Ministry of Culture, Youth, Sports and Community Development
1st Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3207
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Permanent Secretary's Secretary's Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minister's Secretary266 3205
Permanent Secretary's Secretary266 3249
Assistant Secretary266 3250
Executive Officer / Personnel266 3417
Registration266 3383
Senior Executive Officer266 3251
Votes Clerk266 3412

Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF)
54 Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5920
Fax: (767) 448 5284
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administrative/Accounting Officer266 5919
Community Liaison Officer266 5918
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer266 5916
Project Manager266 5917

Cooperative Development Division
High Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3617
Fax: (767) 448 7397
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cooperative Officers (South)266 3613
Cooperative Officers (West)266 3614
Registrar of Cooperatives266 3612
Senior Cooperative Officer266 3609
Training Officer266 3615

Division of Culture
Old Mill Cultural Centre, Canefield
Tel: (767) 266 4489
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief Cultural Officer266 4486
Cultural Assistant266 4482
Cultural Officers266 4484 / 4483 / 3161 / 4527
Senior Cultural Officers266 4487 / 4488

General Post Office
Dame Mary Eugenia Charles Boulevard, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5209
Fax: (767) 448 2897
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Accounts Section (Downstairs)266 5230
General Office (Upstairs)266 5218
Marigot Post Office266 2817 / 445 7229
Parcel Post 266 5226
Portsmouth Post Office445 5371
Post Office (Ground Floor, Government Headquarters)266 3247
Postmaster General's Secretary266 5209
Sorting Section / Express Mail266 5207
Sorting Section / Supervisor266 5231
Supervisor / Administration266 5217

General Post Office - Ground Floor, Government Headquarters
Ground Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3247

Local Government Department
High Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3909
Fax: (767) 448 4717
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assistant Local Government Commissioner266 3906
Local Government Commissioner266 3967
Project Coordinator266 3907
Self Help Coordinator / Self Help Assistant / Computer Room266 3929 / 3931
Senior Clerk266 3910
Technical Officers266 3908

Sports Division
47 Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3262
Fax: (767) 440 0572
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sports Coordinator266 3365

Windsor Park Sports Stadium
Tel: (767) 266 4801

Manager266 4802

Youth Development Division
High Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3746
Fax: (767) 448 5235
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

4-H Coordinator266 3758
Assistant Chief Youth Development Officer266 3749
Chief Youth Development Officer's Secretary266 3766
Computer Technician266 3767
General Office/Junior Clerk266 3746
Job Developer266 3769
OMS Administration266 4159
Senior Clerk266 3756
Youth Instructor Trainer266 4296
Youth Training Instructor266 3778

Castle Bruce Youth Enterprise Centre
Castle Bruce
Tel: (767) 446 0639
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Delices Youth Centre
Tel: (767) 446 4404

Dominica Youth Business Trust (DYBT)
Top Floor, 42 Kennedy Ave (Former Jays Building), Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3768
Fax: (767) 448 5235

Dublanc Youth Enterprise Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4339
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Good Hope Resource Centre
Good Hope
Tel: (767) 266 5343

Grand Fond Enterprise Centre
Grand Fond
Tel: (767) 266 4272
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Marigot Youth Center
Tel: (767) 266 3969

Roseau North and Valley Youth Office
High Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 4291

Roseau Youth Enterprise Centre
High Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3760
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Councillor266 3991

Salybia Resource Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4382 / 4383

St. Joseph Resource Center
St Joseph
Tel: (767) 266 3992

Wesley Youth Technology Resource Centre
Tel: (767) 445 8065
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence
2nd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3256
Fax: (767) 448 0644
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Permanent Secretary's Secretary's Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minister's Secretary266 3203
Permanent Secretary's Secretary266 3256
Administrative Assistant (40% Student Debt Relief)266 3894
Administrative Officer / Training266 3285
Executive Officer / Administration266 3255
Executive Officer / Personnel266 3280
Project Officers266 3975
Senior Administrative Officer266 3028
Senior Executive Officer / Accounts266 3573
Senior Executive Officer / Personnel266 3261
UNESCO Secretary General266 3022
UNESCO Secretary's Secretary266 3511
Votes Clerk / Accounts266 3214

Adult Education Division
22 Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3305
Fax: (767) 440 1093
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Adult Education Officer266 3490
Computer Room266 3356
Field Supervisor266 3920
Zone Officer / Roseau266 3088
Secretary266 3305

Chief Education Officer's Office
Education, Science and Technology Building, Cornwall Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5514

Chief Education Officer's Secretary266 5514
General Editor266 5543
Public Relations Officer - Education266 5543

Curriculum Unit
Education, Science and Technology Building, Cornwall Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5583
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administrative Assistant (Measurement and Evaluation Unit)266 5589
Education Officer (Family Life)266 5576
Education Officer (Language)266 5563
Education Officer (Modern Language)266 5598
Education Officer (Music)266 5500
Education Officer (Science)266 5536
Education Officer (Social Studies)266 5526
Education Officer (Testing and Evaluation)266 5562
General Editor266 5543
Measurement and Evaluation Officer266 5553
Senior Education Officer (SEO) - Curriculum266 5546

CXC Local Registrar's Office
Education, Science and Technology Building, Cornwall Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5535

Local Registrar266 5537

Documentation Centre
Documentation Centre Building, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3409
Fax: (767) 448 7928
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief Librarian266 3408
Front Desk (Archives)266 4170
General Office (Archives)266 3093
Indexer Assistant266 3397

Education Office/North
Harbour Lane, Portsmouth
Tel: (767) 266 4377

Education Officer / North266 4373
Guidance Counsellor266 4374
Learning Support Advisor266 4375

Education Planning Unit
Education, Science and Technology Building, Cornwall Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5573

Building Maintenance Officer266 5569
Education Officer/Policy and Planning266 5561
Planning Officer266 5570
Senior Planning Officer266 5560
Statistician266 5551
EMIS Officers266 5517 / 5597 / 5529 / 5596
ICT Coordinator266 5512
Secretary / Education Trust Fund266 5578

Education Planning Unit Officer's at Bath Estate
JSP Building, Bath Estate

Assistant Procurement Officer266 3993
Coordinator / School Feeding Programme266 3485
Store Keeper266 3487
Technicians266 3393

National Accreditation Board (NAB)
JSP Building, Bath Estate
Tel: (767) 266 3460
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Executive Director 266 3462

Public Library
1st Floor, 42 Kennedy Ave (Former Subway Building), Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3341
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Basement266 3335
Librarian266 3355

Marigot Public Library
Tel: (767) 266 5385

Portsmouth Public Library
Tel: (767) 266 5337

School Operations
Education, Science and Technology Building, Cornwall Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5591

Assistant Chief Education Officer266 5586
Coordinator Special Education266 5590
Education Officers266 5528 / 5536 / 5548 / 5563 / 5575 / 5576 / 5592 / 5593
Functions Coordinator266 5565
Guidance Counselor / East266 5568
Learning Support Advisor266 5564 / 5566 / 4085
Learning Support Advisor / East266 5566
Learning Support Advisor / Mathematics266 5564
Learning Support Advisor North266 4224
Learning Support Advisor West266 5567
Local Consultant266 5577
Senior Education Officer / Secondary School266 5581

School Operations Officers at Bath Estate
JSP Building, Bath Estate

Assistant Education Officer / Early Childhood266 3757
Assistant Education Officer / Early Childhood's Secretary266 3476
Numeracy Specialist (Enhancement)266 4085

Schools - Primary

Atkinson Primary School

Principal266 4923

Bagatelle Primary School

Principal266 4936
Secretary266 4937

Baroness Patricia Scotland Primary School
Vielle Case

Computer Lab266 4242
Principal 266 4941

Belles Primary School

Office266 4215

Bellevue Chopin Primary
Bellevue Chopin

Principal266 4230

Bense Primary School

Office266 4950

Berean Christian Academy
Bath Estate

Office448 4349

Calibishie Primary School

Principal 266 4938

Campbell Primary School

Principal266 4939

Castle Bruce Primary School
Castle Bruce

Secretary266 4925

Clifton Primary School

Principal266 4958

Colihaut Primary School

Office266 4956

Concord Primary School

Principal266 4902

Convent Prep
Bath Road

Office448 4371

Coulibistrie Primary School

Library266 4213
Principal Office266 4214

Delices Primary

Office266 4235
Staff Room266 4236

Dos D' Ane Primary School
Dos D' Ane

Office266 4217

Dublanc Primary

Office266 4957

Ebenezer Seventh Day Adventist School
Potters Ville, Roseau

Secretary266 5328

Giraudel Primary School

Library266 4934
Office266 4935

Goodwill Primary School

Principal266 4903
Secretary266 4904

Grand Bay Primary School
Grand Bay

Principal266 4915
Secretary266 4916

Grand Fond Primary School
Grand Fond

Office266 4233
Staff Room266 4234

Kelleb John Laurent Primary School
St. Joseph

Office266 4301
Staff Room266 4302

Lighthouse Christian Academy

Office448 7049

Mahaut Primary School
Tel: (767) 266 4337

Massacre Primary School

Kitchen266 4200
Principal 266 4207
Staff Room266 4206

Morne Jaune Primary School
Morne Jaune

Office266 4231
Staff Room266 4232

Morne Prosper Primary School
Morne Prosper

Pre School 266 4223
Principal266 4222

Newtown Primary School

Principal 266 4932
Reception266 4931
Staff Room266 4930

Orion Academy
Bath Estate

Principal266 4918
Secretary266 4917
Staff Room266 4919

Paix Bouche Primary School
Paix Bouche

Principal266 4945
Staff Room266 4944

Penville Primary School

Computer Room266 4946
Office266 4947
Staff Room266 4948

Pioneer Prep

Secretary266 4229

Roosevelt Douglas Primary School

Computer Room266 4209
Principal 266 4210

Roseau Primary School
Bath Estate

Principal266 4921
Secretary266 4220

Salybia Primary School

Principal266 4929
Reception266 4928

San Sauver Primary School
San Sauver

San Sauver Primary School266 4218

Savanne Paille Primary School
Savanne Paille

IT Room266 4212
Principal266 4211

Sineku Primary School

Office266 4954
Office266 4955

Soufriere Primary School

Principal266 4223

St. John's School

Office445 4548

St. Luke's Primary School
Pointe Michel

Lower Section (Across the Church)266 4242
Principal 266 4224
Secretary266 4225

St. Martin's Primary School

Office266 4228

St. Mary's Primary
Turkey Lane

Office266 4227

Temple Seventh Day Adventist School

Office445 4548

Tete Morne Primary school
Tete Morne

Classroom266 4220
Principal266 4221

Thibaud Primary School

Principal266 4943

Trafalgar Primary School

Principal266 4933

Warner Primary School

Office near Kitchen266 4927
Office near Storage266 4926

Wesley Primary School

Computer Room266 4901

Western District SDA
St. Joseph

Office266 4387

Wills Stratmore Steven Primary School

Computer Room266 4951
Library266 4952
Principal266 4953

Woodford Hill Primary School
Woodford Hill

Office266 4949
Staff Room266 4948

Schools - Secondary

Arthur Waldron Seventh-day Adventist Academy
Tel: (767) 445 5152

Office445 5152

Castle Bruce Secondary School
Castle Bruce
Tel: (767) 266 4981

Chemistry Lab266 4985
Cosmetology Section266 4989
Counselor266 4990
Deputy Principal I266 4982
Deputy Principal II266 4984
Physics Lab266 4986
Principal266 4980
Secretary266 4981
Staff Room266 4991
Woodwork Lab266 4988

Convent High School
Bath Road

Office448 2916

Dominica Community High School
Tel: (767) 266 4970

Office266 4969

Dominica Grammar School
Valley Road
Tel: (767) 266 4910

Principal266 4907
Secretary255 4910

Goodwill Secondary School
Tel: (767) 266 4262

Secretary266 4262

Isaiah Thomas Secondary School
St. Joseph
Tel: (767) 266 4965

Deputy Principal I266 4966
Deputy Principal II266 4968
Principal266 4964
Secretary266 4965
Staff Room266 4967

North East Comprehensive School
Tel: (767) 266 4994

Deputy Principal266 4996
Principal266 4993
Tvet Coordinator266 4995

Pierre Charles Secondary School
Grand Bay
Tel: (767) 266 4279

Counselor266 4960
Deputy Principal I266 4962
Deputy Principal II266 4275
Principal266 4961
Secretary266 4279

Portsmouth Secondary School
Tel: (767) 266 4120

Counselor 266 4265
Deputy Principal266 4269
Principal266 4121
Secretary266 4120

St. John's Academy

Office266 4230

St. Martin Secondary School
Tel: (767) 266 4971

St. Mary's Academy

Office448 2496

Wesley High School
Cross Street
Tel: (767) 266 4977

Principal266 4977
Staff Room266 4976

Special Education School

Achievement Learning Centre (ALC)
Industrial Estate, Canefield
Tel: (767) 617 0576
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
JSP Building, Bath Estate
Tel: (767) 266 4041

Director266 4151
Quality Assurance Officer266 4042

Ministry of Environment, Rural Modernisation, Kalinago Upliftment and Constituency Empowerment
1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3564
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Permanent Secretary's Secretary's Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minister's Secretary266 3982
Permanent Secretary' Secretary266 4648
Project Officer266 5270
Secretary266 3564
UNDP Project Offier266 4070
Votes Clerk266 4060

Environmental Coordinating Unit (ECU)
37 Great George St. Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5256 / 448 4577
Fax: (767) 448 4577
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Director266 5269
Assistant Public Awareness Officer266 5331
Project Coordinator266 5270
Project Coordinator266 5892
Project Coordinator/ Rural Modernization266 5891
Project Officer266 5890
Technical Officer EDA Project266 5333

Forestry Division
Former L. Rose Building
Windsor Park Road
Tel: (767) 266 5856
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assistant Forest Officer266 5865
Assistant Forest Officer / Environmental Education266 5857
Assistant Forest Officer / Forest Management266 5860
Assistant Forest Officer / Head of Protection266 5861
Assistant Forest Officer / National Parks266 5858
Cashier266 5863
Director266 5851
Financial Officer / User Fee Programme266 5855
Forest Officer / Research266 5853
Forest Technician266 5862
Forestry Library/Waitukubuli National Trail266 5864
National Parks266 5856
Parks Superintendent266 5854
Senior Clerk266 5852

Kalinago Upliftment
1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3377
Fax: (767) 448 6753
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Carib Affairs Development Officer266 3556

National Employment Programme (NEP) Unit
1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3452

NEP Coordinator266 3911
Community Employment266 3968
Director of Apprenticeship Programme266 4653 / 4659
Employment Officer266 3452

Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, Climate Resilience and Social Security
5th Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3340
Fax: (767) 448 0054
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Permanent Secretary's Secretary's Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minister's Secretary266 4290
Financial Secretary's Secretary266 3221
Administrative Officer266 3373
Budget Analyst (Economist I)266 3303
Budget Controller266 3579
Chief Development Planner266 3301
Economist I266 3232 / 3513 / 3517
Economist I / Debt Unit266 3201
Facilities Manager266 4474
Filing Clerk / Executive Officer266 3516
General Office / Typist266 3340
Security / Ground Floor266 3520
Senior Economist / PSIP266 3515
Social Development Planner266 3777
Votes Clerk266 3314

Central Statistical Office (CSO)
1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3405
Fax: (767) 449 9128
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief Statistician266 3400
Administrative Assistant266 3403
Computing and Surveys Section Statistician266 3402
Economic Statistics Statisticians266 3401
Social and Demographics Section Statistician266 3346
Surveys and Trade Processing Unit Data Entry Clerks266 3404
Surveys and Trade Processing Unit Statistical Officers266 3406 / 3346
Trade Unit Statistical Officers266 3407

Computer Centre
1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3310
Fax: (767) 448 5459
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Manager266 3323
Computer Operator266 3310
Internal Audit266 3325 / 3137
Senior Information System Administrator266 3324
Systems Analyst266 4251/3322

Customs and Excise Division
Customs House, Woodbridge Bay, Fond Cole
Tel: (767) 266 3717
Fax: (767) 448 7950
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Accountant/ Assistant266 3737
Administrative Officer / HR Officer266 3776
Administrative Secretary266 3708
Assistant Comptrollers / Enforcement and Compliance266 3723
Assistant Comptrollers / Trade Operations266 3718
Comptroller's Secretary266 3730
Customs and Excise Division - Anse de Mai266 4359
Customs and Excise Division - Canefield Airport266 4492
Customs and Excise Division - Douglas-Charles Airport266 4438/ 4439/ 4457
Customs and Excise Division - Portsmouth266 4340
Database Administrator266 3728
Deputy Comptroller266 3739
Documentary Examination266 3764
Fiscal Incentives266 3795
Intel Office266 3736
Long Room266 3722
Long Room (Back Office)266 3726
Mobile / Canine266 3719
Parcel Post (Post Office)266 5226
Post Audit266 3705 / 3709
Post Clearance266 3722
Red Lane266 3763
Roseau Ferry Terminal266 3125
Shed 5 (Examination)266 3724
Supervisor Deep Water Harbour266 3794
Supervisor P.A / P.C266 3712
Supervisor South266 3780
Supervisor/ Preventative Unit266 3720
Votes Clerk266 3735 /3126
Warehousing266 3765
Yellow Lane266 3721
Auction266 3783
I.T Technician266 3703
Investigations266 3700
Network Administrator266 3702
Risk Management 266 3711
Shed 1266 3781
Shed 2266 3786
Shed 33763
Shed 4 (Cashiers)266 3764
Shed 4 (Examination)266 3799
Shed 5 (Office)266 3734
Valuation266 3704

Financial Services Unit (FSU)
5th Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3514
Fax: (767) 448 0054
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Director266 3559
Manager266 3073
Examiner266 3558 / 4084
Senior Examiners266 4102 / 4090

Inland Revenue Division (IRD)
High Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3600
Fax: (767) 448 1893
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assessing Section266 3663
Assistant Comptroller / Administrative Assistant266 3636
Assistant Comptroller / Assessing266 3656
Assistant Comptroller / Audit266 3637
Assistant Comptroller / Collections266 3620
Assistant Comptroller / Monitoring266 3675
Assistant Comptroller / Objections266 3671
Assistant Comptroller / Systems266 3620
Assistant Comptroller / Tax Roll266 3648
Assistant Comptroller / Tax Roll and Enquiry266 3633
Audit266 3601 / 3621 / 3627 / 3637
Card Room266 3694
Cashier266 3644
Collections266 3639 / 3641 / 3664
Deputy Comptroller / Audit and Objections / Enquiry266 3646
Deputy Comptroller / Collections / Systems / Assessing266 3610
Enquiries266 3642 / 3647
Filing Room266 3645
Junior Clerk / Votes266 3655 / 3654
Monitoring Officer I266 3638 / 3643
Objections266 3643
Refunds Clerk266 3653
Switchboard266 3600
Systems Analyst266 3698
Technician266 3662

Office of the National Authorising Officer (NAO)
3rd Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3306
Fax: (767) 449 9443

National Authorizing Officer266 3075
Office Attendant 266 3103
Program Assistant266 3094
Program Engineer266 3242 / 4431
Program Officer266 3914 / 3069
Senior Program Officer266 3074

Procurement Unit
2nd Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3110
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief Procurement Officer266 3109
Procurement Officers266 3434 / 4407 / 4670

Treasury Department
1st Floor, Treasury Building, Hillsborough Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3311
Fax: (767) 448 4437
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Accountant266 3319
Accounts Claims266 3455
Accounts Pensions266 4264
Assistant Accountant / Cash266 3453 / 3312
Assistant Pre Audit266 4277
Bank Reconciliation266 3104 / 3105
Cash Management Unit266 3144
Cash Section266 3565
Data Entry (Enquiries)266 3900
Deputy Accountant General266 3328
Executive Officer266 3321
Field Auditor266 3137 / 3325

Marigot Sub-Treasury
Tel: (767) 266 4886

Accounts266 4888
Executive Officer266 4886
Postal Clerk266 4889
Store Room266 4890

Portsmouth Sub-Treasury
Tel: (767) 266 5827

Value Added Tax (VAT) Unit
2nd Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3531
Fax: (767) 440 5690

Assessing Officer266 3619 / 3663
Assistant Comptroller / Collections266 3260
Assistant Comptrollers / VAT Audit266 3627
Audit Officers266 3063 / 3070 / 3076 / 3215 / 3218 / 3219 / 3362 / 3364 / 4132 / 4144
Collections Officers266 3639 / 3641 / 3664
Deputy Comptroller266 3229
Filing Room266 3233
Objection officer266 3060

Large Medium Tax Payer Section (LMTS)
2nd Floor Financial Center
Tel: (767) 266 3996

Audit Officers266 4144 / 3070 / 4133 / 4148 / 3076 / 3063
Collections Officer266 4137 / 3530 / 3060 / 4147 / 5658
Filing Clerk266 4109
Supervisor /Collections266 4149

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Business, Trade and Energy
4th Floor Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3276
Fax: (767) 448 5200
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Permanent Secretary's Secretary's Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minister's Secretary266 3381
Permanent Secretary's Secretary266 3213
Advisor to the Minister266 4626
Energy Unit266 3611
Executive Officer266 3228
Junior Clerk / Votes266 3380
Registration Clerk266 3276
RIDU Executive Assistant266 3224
Senior Administrative Officer266 3382
Senior Clerk / Votes266 3588
Senior Executive Officer266 3395

Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) Unit
1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3456

Coordinator266 3449
Trade Officer266 3456 / 3448

Geothermal Project Management Unit
18 Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3309
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Political Affairs Division
4th Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3206
Fax: (767) 448 5200
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief Protocol Officer266 3007
Foreign Service Officer I266 3032
Foreign Service Officer II266 3576
Foreign Service Officer III266 3225
Protocol Officer266 3351
Minister of State266 3206

Regional Integration and Diaspora Unit
1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3224
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ambassador266 3036
Project Officer - Director of Apprenticeship Program266 3945
Technical Officer266 3489
Administrative Assistant266 3224
Executive Assistant266 3223

Trade Division
4th Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3266

Director of Trade266 3266
Intern266 3465
Trade Officer I 266 3510
Trade Officer II 266 3265 / 3448
Trade Officer III266 3132 / 3448

Ministry of Health, Wellness and Social Services
4th Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3437
Fax: (767) 448 6086
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Permanent Secretary's Secretary's Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minister's Secretary266 3357
Permanent Secretary's Secretary266 3260
Administration Senior Clerk266 3437
Administrative Officer266 3259
Chief Medical Officer266 3396
Chief Medical Officer's Secretary / Registration266 3521
Coordinator, National Health Coverage266 3522
Director of Primary Health Care Services266 5818
Director of Primary Health Care Services' Secretary266 5815
PAHO Country Specialist266 3308
Parliamentary Secretary Secretary266 3171
Principal Nursing Officer's Secretary266 3363
Senior Administrative Officer266 3067
Senior Executive Officer266 3427
Votes Clerk266 3297

Bureau of Gender Affairs
Corner of Church Street and Victoria Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 618 3454
Fax: (767) 448 7855
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Coordinator / Research and Programme Development266 3083
Councillors266 4602
Director / Women's Bureau266 3023
Secretary266 3344

Jimmit Highway, Jimmit
Tel: (767) 266 2250

Counsellor266 4822
Lounge266 4824
Managing Director266 4820

Dominica China Friendship Hospital
Tel: (767) 266 2000
Fax: (767) 448 1971
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ambulatory (Day Surgery)266 2099
Casualty / Front Desk266 2105
Central Medical Stores / General Office266 4205 / 4246
Coordinator PMCT (Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission)440 6876
Doctor's Office Room266 2185 / 2133
Hostel266 2056
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)266 2009
Intern's Residence266 2005 / 2006 / 2095
Matron's Stores266 2155
Medical Distribution Service Unit266 2155
Nursing School266 2130
Occupation Therapy Building266 2013
Oncology266 4283 / 4284 / 4285
Pharmacy266 2104
Physiotherapist266 2111

Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 2105

Doctor's Office266 2185

Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 2101

Accountant266 2189
Appointments' Desk266 2169
Billing Officer266 2154
Conference Room266 2097 / 2006
Facilities Manager266 2121
Hospital Medical Director266 2126
Hospital Services Coordinator266 2087
Matron266 2102
Matron's Secretary266 2090
Medical Records Department266 2123
Medical Records Officer266 2055
Project Coordinator266 2198
Quality Manager266 2019 / 2183
Votes Clerk266 2122

Central Medical Stores
Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 4203
Fax: (767) 448 4882

Chief Pharmacist266 4246
Compounding Room
General Office266 4203
Supplies Manager / CMS266 4205
Votes Clerk266 4247

Health Information Unit
Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 3458

Communicable Department266 2093 / 2152 / 2153
Conference Room266 2097
General Office/NCD Department266 3458
IT Department266 2084 / 2092 / 2096
National Epidemiologist266 2016
Situation Room266 2017
Surveillance Officer266 2150

Maintenance Department
Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill

Biomedical Engineer266 2188
Carpenter's Workshop266 2057
Maintenance Supervisor266 2151 / 2187
Maintenance workshop266 2124

Medical Laboratory
Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 2147
Fax: (767) 448 8124
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Blood Bank266 2144
Lab Technicians266 2118
Laboratory Superintendent266 2117
Microbiology266 2149
Pathologist266 2136

Nursing Administration
Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 2108

Departmental Nurses266 2159 / 225 6786
Infection Control Nurse266 2176
Secretary Nursing Council440 4573
Secretary to the Matron266 2090

Operating Theatre
Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 2197

Anaesthetist's Office266 2196
Doctor's Office266 2194
Recovery Room266 2193
Sister's Office266 2197
Staff Lounge266 2091
Workroom266 2195

Out-Patient Department
Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 2103

Dialysis266 2174
Eye Specialist266 2173
Gastroenterology Room266 2127
Gynaecologist266 2182
Gynaecology Clinic266 2158
Nursing Station in Eye Clinic266 2161
Obstetric Scan Room266 2168
Office266 2103
Oncology266 4281
Paediatric Clinic266 2157
Paediatrician's Office266 2156

Psychiatric Unit
Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 2140/2181

Departmental Nurse/APU266 2013 / 2015
Psychiatrist266 2130
Social Worker266 2192
Ward Sister266 2015

Radiology Department (X-Ray)
Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 2110

CT Scan266 2080
Radiologist266 2170

Support Services
Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 2143

Central Sterilization Supply Department (CSSD)266 2139
Housekeeper / Laundry Room266 2172
Kitchen266 2106
Orderlies Quarters266 2134
Police Booth266 2146
Security266 2143
Senior Orderly266 2018
Sewing Room266 2172
Storekeeper266 2199

Princess Margaret Hospital, Goodwill

Alford Ward266 2089 / 2116
Ante Natal266 2112
Dawbiney Ward266 2083 / 2115
Delivery Room266 2145 / 2177
Departmental Nurse266 2167
Doctor's Office266 2159
Examination Room266 2164
Glover Ward266 2108
Imray Ward266 2107
Labour Ward266 2112 / 2115 / 2145
Neo Natal Ward (Nursery)266 2113 / 2163
Out-Patient Clinic (Nursery)266 2162
Post Natal266 2178
Stronach Ward266 2112 / 2145 / 2177 / 2178
Surgical Section266 2160
Ward Clerk266 2165
Ward Sister266 2158 / 2166
Winston Ward266 2114

Dominica Medical Board
1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3930
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Environmental Health Unit
133 Bath Road, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3939
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief Environmental Health Officer266 3467
Environmental Health Officer266 3463
Senior Environmental Health Officer266 3465 / 3466
Secretary266 3468

Health Centres

Atkinson Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4781

Nurse's Office266 4781
Pharmacy266 4780

Bagatelle Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4126 / 4127

Bellevue Chopin Health Centre
Bellevue Chopin
Tel: (767) 266 5718

Bells Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4760

Boetica Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4783

Nurse's Office266 4782
Office266 4783

Calibishi Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4771

Doctor's Office266 4770
Screening Room266 4771

Campbell Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 5743

Area 1266 5743
Doctor Office266 4104

Castle Bruce Health Centre
Castle Bruce
Tel: (767) 266 4113

Casualty266 4113
Community Health Nurse266 4115
Dental266 4114
DMO266 4108
Environmental Health Officer266 4110
FNP266 4109
Maternity266 4117
Pharmacy266 4111
Screening Room266 4112
Staff Room266 4116

Clifton Health Centre Reconstruction
Tel: (767) 266 4763

Doctor Office266 4764
Nurse's Quarters266 4765
Office266 4763

Cochrane Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4796

Doctor Office266 4797
Nurses Office266 4796

Colihaut Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4144

Consultation266 4143
Doctor Office266 4142
Office266 4144

Delices Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4775

Nurse's Office266 4776
Office266 4775

Dublanc/ Bioche Health Centre
Dublanc/ Bioche
Tel: (767) 266 4181

Doctor Office266 4182
Main Office266 4181

Eggleston Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4799

Dressing Room266 4798
Nurse/ Doctor Office266 4799

Fond Cole Health Centre
Fond Cole
Tel: (767) 266 5731

Ward 1266 5731
Ward 2266 5730
Ward 3266 5740

Giraudel Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4118

Area 1266 4118
Area 2266 4119

Giraudel Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4118

Grand Bay Health Centre
Grand Bay
Tel: (767) 266 3051

Casualty266 3025
CHN266 3024
Doctor266 3053

Grand Fond Health Centre
Grand Fond
Tel: (767) 266 4726

Area 1266 4726
Area 2266 4725

La Plaine Health Centre
La Plaine
Tel: (767) 266 4788

Casualty266 4791
CHN266 4790
Conference Room266 4784
Consultation Room266 4789
Dental266 4793
Dressing Room266 4792
FNP Office266 4786
Nurse Office266 4787
Office266 4788
Pharmacy266 4794
Staff Quarters266 4785
Ward 1266 4795

Laudat Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4103

Mahaut Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4015

Area 1266 4051
Area 2266 4015

Mahaut River Health Centre
Mahaut River
Tel: (767) 266 4761

Area 1266 4761
Area 2266 4762

Marigot Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 5725

Community Health Nurse266 5725
Nurse's Office266 5713
Nurse's Office266 5714
Screening Room266 5724

Morne Prosper Health Centre
Morne Prosper
Tel: (767) 266 4777

Area 1266 4777
Area 2266 4778

Penville Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 3035

Doctor's Office266 3034

Pichelin Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4701

Pointe Michel Health Centre
Pointe Michel
Tel: (767) 266 4027

Area 1266 4027
Area 2266 4021
Area 3266 5729

Riviere Cyrique Health Centre
Riviere Cyrique
Tel: (767) 266 4002

Nurse Office266 4002
Nurse's Quarters266 4724

Roseau Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4727

Doctor Office266 4738
Family Practice266 4735
Maternity & Child266 4746
Pharmacy266 5840
Waiting Area266 4727

Salisbury Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4183

Consultation Room266 4183
Pharmacy266 4185
Treatment Room266 4184

Scotts Head Health Centre
Scotts Head
Tel: (767) 266 4028

Area 1266 4028
Area 2266 4031

Soufriere Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4022

Ante Natal4023
Nurse's Station4022

St Joseph Health Centre
St Joseph
Tel: (767) 266 4719

Community Nurse266 4720
Conference Room266 4721
Dentist266 4714
Doctor Office266 4716
Emergency266 4717
Environmental Health266 4715
Nurse266 4713
Pharmacist266 4718

Tete Morne Health Centre
Tete Morne
Tel: (767) 266 4702

Doctor;s Office266 4703
Nurse's Office266 4702

Thibaud Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4766

Doctor Office266 4766
Nurse's Quarters266 4767

Trafalgar Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4152

Doctor Office266 4151
Nurse Office266 4152

Vieille Case Health Centre
Vieille Case
Tel: (767) 266 5723

Doctor's Office266 5723
Maternity and Child Care266 5722

Warner Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4758

Bedroom266 4759
Nurse's Quarters266 4758

Wesley Health Centre
Tel: (767) 266 4105

Doctor's Office266 4122
Housing Officer/Engineers266 4105
Nurse's Office266 4123
Nurse's Office266 4125

Woodford Hill Health Centre
Woodford Hill
Tel: (767) 266 4774

Dressing Room266 4773
Office266 4774
Screening Room266 4772

Wotten Waven Health Centre
Wotten Waven
Tel: (767) 266 4101

Health Promotion Resource Centre
Dupigny Lane, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 3469
Fax: (767) 448 6086
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Communication Officer266 3470
Health Education Officer266 3342
Nutritionist266 3061
Secretary266 4915
Coordinator266 3469
COVID Hotline266 4325

Marigot Hospital
Tel: (767) 266 2800
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dental266 2805
Doctor Office266 2828
Dressing Room266 2801
Environmental Health Office266 2827
Family Nurse Practitioner266 2803
Main Office266 2806
Nurses / Midwife266 2807

National AIDS Response Programme
21 Hanover Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5812
Fax: (767) 440 3253
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Coordinator266 5812
Coordinator266 5813
Counselor266 5814
Phlebotomist266 5811

National Drug Abuse Prevention Unit
4th Floor, Government Headquarters, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3343
Fax: (767) 448 6086
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Drug Prevention Officers266 4693

Portsmouth Hospital
Tel: (767) 266 5605
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administration266 5612
Casualty266 5611
Casualty Doctor266 5614
Community Health Nurse266 5610
Conference Room266 5613
Dental266 5607
Departmental Sister266 5615
Doctors266 5603 / 5614
Endoscopic266 5626
Environmental Health266 5631
Family Nurse Practitioner266 5626
Kitchen266 5629
Laboratory266 5604
Maternal and Child Care266 5609
Maternal and Child Health266 5606
Maternity266 5617
Orderly266 5619
Pharmacy266 5605
Sterillising Room266 5628
Steward Pharmacist266 5618
Ultrasound266 5621
X-Ray266 5608

Social Welfare Division
19 -21 King George V Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3080
Fax: (767) 440 4183
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assistant Chief Welfare Officer266 3302
Chief Welfare Officer266 3019
Coordinator Child Abuse Prevention Unit266 3020
Counsellor266 4086
Welfare Officers266 3248 / 3254 / 3334 / 3502

Yes We Care Programme
Corner of Church Street and Victoria Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 611 3717
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Coordinator266 4161
Office Assistant266 3483
Procurement Officer266 3119

Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
1st Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3239
Fax: (767) 448 4807
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Permanent Secretary's Secretary's Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minister's Secretary266 3204
Permanent Secretary's Secretary266 3507
Accounts266 3236 / 3238
Accounts Resettlement266 3979
Executive Officer / Accounts266 3447
Executive Officer / Personnel266 3235
Filing Clerk266 3501
Housing Resettlement266 3538
Senior Administrative Office266 3413

Housing Division
2nd Floor, Vanoulst House, Goodwill Road, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 3740
Fax: (767) 448 7512
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Draftsmen266 3731
Junior Clerk266 3759
Manager266 3762
Projects Officer266 4106
Senior Clerk266 4091
Technical Officer266 3727

Lands and Surveys Division
Top Floor, Vanoulst House, Goodwill Road, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 3431
Fax: (767) 449 9869
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Computation Officer266 3943
Database Administrator266 3942
Director266 3435
GIS and Visualisation Specialist266 3941
Senior Draughtsman266 3419
State Lands Clerk266 3418
State Lands Officer266 3433
Surveyor266 3416 / 3944

Physical Planning Division
20 Cork Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3751
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief Physical Planner266 3761
Development Control Officer / Junior Clerk266 3753
Executive Officer266 3771
Filing Clerk / Data Entry266 3741
Senior Clerk266 3752

Property Valuation Unit
Top Floor, Vanoulst House, Goodwill Road, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 3748
Fax: (767) 440 7122
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Senior Property Valuer266 3729
Valuation Technician266 3738

Rent Commission
2nd Floor, Vanoulst House, Goodwill Road, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 3031

Ministry of Investment and Governance
6th Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3300

Ministry of Labour, Public Service Reform, Social Partnership, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
3rd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3194

Minister's secretary266 3294
Permanent Secretary's Secretary266 3194
Registration Clerk266 3008
Votes Clerk266 4193

Division of Labour
2nd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3553
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deputy Labour Commissioner266 3326
Labour Commissioner266 3318
Labour Officers266 3220 / 3320
Senior Clerk266 4605
Senior Executive Officer266 3332
Tribunal Officer266 4172

Dominica Coalition of Service Industries
DEXIA Building, Dame Eugenia Charles Blvd., Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 4092
Fax: (767) 440 8740
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Business Development Officer266 4094
Director266 4093

Reform Management Unit (RMU)
3rd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5224
Fax: (767) 448 0005
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administrative Cadet / Communications Officer266 5214
Administrative Cadet / Research and Administrative Support266 5203
Change Management Officer266 5216
Senior Administrative Officer266 5223
Junior Clerk266 5224

Small Business Unit
3rd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3196

Executive Director266 3937
MIS Assistant266 3946
Registration Clerk266 3965

Ministry of National Security and Legal Affairs
3rd Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3354
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Permanent Secretary's Secretary's Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minister's Secretary266 3289
Permanent Secretary's Secretary266 3354
Executive Officer / Personnel266 3970
Executive Officer / Visa Section266 3212
Senior Administrative Officer266 4089
Senior Executive Officer266 3216
Votes / Accounts266 3770 / 3918

Attorney General's Chambers
3rd Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 4278/3092
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

General Office266 4278
Chief Parliamentary Council266 3011
Parliamentary Council266 3411
Senior State Attorney266 3577
Solicitor General266 3459
State Attorneys266 3013 / 3288 / 3350 / 3378 / 3577 / 3591

Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force (CDPF)
Police Headquarters, Bath Road, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5100
Fax: (767) 448 6204
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) in Charge/Roseau266 5160
Charge Office266 5153
Commissioner's Secretary266 5189
Conference Room266 5161
Court Section266 5188
Deputy Commissioner266 5152
Establishment Officer266 5175
Exhibit Office266 5192
Inspector266 5168
Interpol266 5187
Investigation266 5166
Joint Intelligence Centre266 5101 / 5103 / 5104 / 5105
Main Gate266 5177
Pay Clerk266 5176
Police Kitchen266 5171
Police Welfare Association (PWA) Office266 5179
Server Room266 5123
Staff Officer266 5182
Store Room266 5170
Superintendent of Administration266 5154
Superintendent of Southern Administration266 5158
Supervisor/Operations266 5172
Technician266 5169
Telecoms/General Office266 5174
Typist/Registration Clerk266 5181
Votes Clerk266 5163

Criminal Investigation Department (CID)
Police Headquarters, Bath Road, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5164
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Crime Records Office266 5165
Inspector in Charge266 5185
Inspector Investigations266 5118 / 5119
Officer in Charge266 5157
Scenes of Crimes266 5117

Drug Unit
Police Headquarters, Bath Road, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5186
Fax: (767) 448 6204
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Inspector266 5184
Sergeant266 5155

Immigration Department
Police Headquarters, Bath Road, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5139
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Canefield Airport449 1994
Douglas-Charles Airport (Tel/Fax)445 7100
Inspector266 5180
Roseau Ferry Terminal266 3125 / 3126
Sergeant266 5159

Immigration Department - Canefield Airport
Canefield Airport, Canefield
Tel: (767) 449 1199

Immigration Department - Melville Hall Airport
Melville Hall Airport, Marigot
Tel: (767) 445 7100
Fax: (767) 445 7100

Marine Unit
Fond Cole
Tel: (767) 266 5173
Fax: (767) 448 7158

Inspector266 5198
Logistics Technical Officer266 5197
Operations Room266 5143
Sergeant266 5183

Police Stations

Calibishie Police Station266 4460 / 4622 / 4625
Castle Bruce Police Station266 4624 / 4622 (Sgt. Quarters)
Colihaut Police Station266 4428
Coulibistrie Police Station266 4427
Delices Police Station266 4671
Grand Bay Police Station266 2325 / 2326 / 2327 / 2328 / 2329 / 3990
La Plaine Police Station266 5411 / 5412
Mahaut Police Station266 4845 / 4429
Marigot Police Station266 2809 / 2810 / 2816 / 2822
Pointe Michel Police Station266 4405
Portsmouth Police Station266 5700 / 5701 / 5702 / 5703 / 5704 / 5705 / 5706 / 5707 / 5708 / 5709
Salisbury Police Station266 4425
Salybia Police Station266 4417 / 4418
Soufriere Police Station266 4409
St. Joseph Police Station266 5300 / 5301 / 5302 / 5303 / 5304
Vieille Case Police Station266 4401 / 4448
Wesley Police Station266 4430 / 4443

Police Training School
Morne Bruce
Tel: (767) 266 5148

Special Branch
Police Headquarters, Bath Road, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5162 / 5116
Fax: (767) 448 3390

General Office266 5162 / 5116
Officer in Charge266 5156

Special Service Unit
Morne Bruce
Tel: (767) 266 5191
Fax: (767) 448 7287

Assistant Superintendent266 5115
Garage266 4166
Officer in Charge266 5150

Traffic Department
High Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5902
Fax: (767) 448 6204
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assistant Superintendent266 5903
General Office266 5902
Inspector266 5901
Licensing266 3647
Station Officer266 5900

Companies and Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)
Crn. Independence St. and Kennedy Ave.
Tel: (767) 266 3358
Fax: (767) 440 6593
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Companies Clerk266 3358 / 3189
Executive Officer266 3198
Registrar266 3353
Trademarks Clerk266 3359

Director of Public Prosecutions' (DPP) Office
Independence Street (Former BTC Building), Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3012
Fax: (767) 449 8072
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Director of Public Prosecution266 3176
Process Server266 3179
Sergeants266 3053 / 3173 / 3174 / 4130 / 4467 / 4468
State Attorney266 3568 / 3077 / 3177 / 3241

Dominica Meteorological Office
Tel: (767) 266 4440
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Climatology266 4618
Hydrology266 4617
Operations Room266 4619
Quality Management Systems266 4616
Senior Meteorological Officer266 4440

Meteorological Office - Canefield Airport
Canefield Airport, Canefield
Tel: (767) 266 4490 / 266 4494 / 255 9179
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Meteorological Office - Melville Hall Airport
Douglas-Charles Airport, Marigot
Tel: (767) 266 4458 / 255 9115
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dominica Prison Service
Stock Farm
Tel: (767) 266 4861
Fax: (767) 448 6738
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Chief of Prison266 4859
Gate266 5305
Medical266 4864
Principal Prison Officer266 4862
Reception266 4861
Secretary266 4426
Superintendent of Prison266 4858

Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
Corner of Fields Lane and Independence Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3349
Fax: (767) 440 0373
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Conference Room266 4206
Director266 3084
Financial Investigator266 3348
Senior Financial Investigator266 3374

Fire and Ambulance Services Division
Bath Road, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 4410
Fax: (767) 440 0373
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administration266 4459
Barrack (Men)266 4419
Barrack (Women)266 4412
Fire Prevention266 4445
Guard Room266 4400
Junior Officers Quarters266 4421
Station Officers Quarters266 4444
Sub-Stations Officer266 3056

Fire Stations

Canefield Airport Fire Station266 2300 / 2301 / 2302
Castle Bruce Fire Station266 4453 / 4451
Grand Bay Fire Station266 4440 / 4402
La Plaine Fire Station266 5433
Melville Hall Fire Station266 4610 / 4613 / 4614 / 4615
Portsmouth Fire Station266 4439 / 4449 / 4450
St. Joseph Fire Station266 4411 / 4413 / 4433 / 4434

Integrity Commission
Commission's Building, Jewel Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3436
Fax: (767) 440 6802
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Executive Officer266 3494
Junior Clerk266 3436
Research Assistant266 3391
Secretary to the Commission266 3392

Legal Aid Clinic
2nd Floor, 38 Cork Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3331
Fax: (767) 440 2984
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

State Attorneys266 3352 / 3454

Magistrates' Court
20 Cork Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3533
Fax: (767) 448 5016
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bailiff266 3775 / 3792
Civil Magistrate266 3772
Collections Officer266 3539
Court Administrator266 3790
Court No 3 Clerk266 3117
Executive Officer266 3537
Family Magistrate266 3118
General Office266 3533
Senior Clerk / Cashier266 3127
Traffic Magistrate266 3773

Magistrates' Court (Court No. 3)
20 Cork Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3117

Court No. 3 Clerk266 3117
Senior Clerk / Cashier266 3127

Magistrates' Court - Portsmouth
Tel: (767) 266 5720
Fax: (767) 445 3573
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bailiff266 5741
Executive Officer266 5720

National Prosecution Service
Turkey Lane, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 4467

Principal Prosecutor266 4468
Senior Prosecutor266 4130
Summary Prosecution Section266 4467

Office of Disaster Management (ODM)
Tel: (767) 266 4412
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administrative Annex266 4477
Castle Bruce Emergency Regional Shelter266 3421
Emergency Operations Centre266 4416
Layou Emergency Resource Center266 4573
Security Booth266 4422

Jimmit Regional Shelter
Jimmit, Dominica

Comms Room266 4809
Security266 4806
Shelter Manager266 4812

Registry / Court Reporting Unit
Dame Eugenia Charles Boulevard, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3079

Registry / Supreme Court
Dame Eugenia Charles Boulevard, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3410
Fax: (767) 440 3753
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Civil Court266 3691
Civil Registry266 3106
Court Administrator266 3029
Court Reporting Unit266 3079
Deputy Registrar-Qualified266 3428
Deputy Registrar-Unqualified266 3057
Judge's Secretary and Court266 3414
Law Library Clerk266 3443
Registrar266 3327
Registrar's Secretary266 3388
Senior Executive Officer266 3040
Title Section266 3015

Ministry of Public Works, Public Utilities and Digital Economy
1st Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3928
Fax: (767) 440 4799
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minister's Secretary266 3504
Permanent Secretary's Secretary266 3524
Executive266 3228
Executive Officer / Personnel266 3584
Filing Clerk266 3389
Registration266 3928
Senior Administrative Officer266 3519
Senior Clerk266 3052
Senior Executive Officer / Accounts266 3488
Votes Clerk266 3532 / 3927

Caribbean Digital Transformation Project (CARDTP)
2nd Floor, 1st Domestic Building, King George V. Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3840
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Electrical Division
Constitution Hill, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3747
Fax: (767) 448 1968
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Senior Electrical Engineer266 3742

Government Information Service (GIS)
Bath Estate
Tel: (767) 266 3222
Fax: (767) 448 7808
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Editing Room266 3904
Information Officer266 3903
News Room266 3902
Server Room266 3451

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Unit
2nd Floor, 42 Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 5241
Fax: (767) 448 0005
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Director266 5245
Database Administrator266 5244
Database Developer266 5208
Network Administrator266 4647
Technicians266 5246 / 4479

Maintenance - Caravans
Goodwill Road, Goodwill
Tel: (767) 266 3715

Engineer266 3732

Project Coordination Unit, Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP)
1st Floor, 38 Cork Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3139
Fax: (767) 448 3873
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administrative Assistant266 3139
Engineer266 4606
Financial Management Specialist266 3155
Monitoring and Evaluations / Communications Specialist266 3158
Procurement and Contract Management Specialist266 3156
Procurement Assistant266 3199
Project Coordinator266 3141
Safeguards Specialists266 3133
Secretary / Archivist266 3951

Road and Engineering Surveys
Constitution Hill, Roseau

Draftsman266 4099
Principle Road Engineer Surveyor266 4098
Senior Draftsman266 4037
Soils Laboratory266 3774

Soils Lab
Tel: (767) 266 3518 / 3525

Technical Services Division
1st Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3231

Architect266 3208
Architectural Technicians266 3543
Assistant Quantity Surveyor266 3542
Building Maintenance Officer266 3240
Chief Technical Officer266 3026
Deputy Chief Technical Officer266 3442
Engineer266 3618
General Office / Chief Technical Officer's Secretary266 3231
Quantity Surveyor266 3217
Senior Architect266 3210
Senior Engineer266 3360

1st Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 3027

Director of Telecommunications266 3275
Telecoms Engineer266 3027

Ministry of Tourism
3rd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3497
Fax: (767) 448 6200
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Permanent Secretary's Secretary's Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Minister's Secretary266 3006
Parliamentary Secretary's Secretary266 3150
Permanent Secretary's Secretary266 3003
Assistant Secretary266 3281
Chief Technical Officer266 3002
Community Liasion Officer266 3154
Registration Clerk266 3497
Senior Clerk266 3196
Senior Project Officer266 4611
Technical Officer266 3131 / 3005 / 3004
Votes Clerk266 3114

Discover Dominica Authority
1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3536
Fax: (767) 448 5840
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administrative Officer266 8240
Switchboard266 3536

Maritime Administration Unit
3rd Floor, Government Headquarters, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3071
Fax: (767) 448 7245
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assistant Maritime Administrator266 3072
Maritime Administrative Officer266 3527
Maritime Administrator266 3071
Project Officer266 3293

Tourism Centres

Barana Aute Tourism Centre266 4384
Calibishie Tourism Centre266 4825
Cana Heritage Site266 4371
Emerald Pool Tourist Facility266 4329
Fresh Water lake Tourism Center266 4362
Indian River Tourism Center266 4379
Purple Turtle Tourism Centre266 4361
Titou Gorge Tourism Centre266 4367
Trafalgar Tourist Facility266 4328

Office of the Director of Audit
2nd Floor, Treasury Building, Hillsborough Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3304
Fax: (767) 448 6834
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deputy Director266 4658
Audit Clerk I266 3936
Audit Clerk II266 3935
Audit Officer / Treasury266 3050
Audit Officer I / Projects266 3316
Audit Officer II / Outside Customs266 3921
Auditor - Financial266 3313
Auditor - Projects / VFM266 3566
Auditor Clerk I / Village Council266 3933
Auditor Officer I266 3922
Auditor Officer II / Treasury266 3922
Votes Clerk266 3315

Office of the President
State House, Victoria, Street Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3333
Fax: (767) 449 8366
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

President's Secretary266 4267
Assistant Property Administrator266 4280
CCTV Room266 3113
Conference Centre266 3180
Executive Officer / Personnel266 4266
Filling Room266 3143
Security Booth266 4273
Senior Clerk / Typist266 3112
Senior Clerk / Votes266 4274

Office of the Prime Minister
6th Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3300
Fax: (767) 448 8960
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Accounts Officer / Office of the Prime Minister266 4100
ALBA Coordinator266 3330
Ambassador-at-Large266 3049
Executive Officer266 3554
Executive Officer/Accounts266 3278
Front Desk Reception266 3512
Media Consultant266 3495
Registration266 3755
Security/Residence266 3523
Senior Administrative Officer266 3299
Senior Clerk / Stores266 3547
Senior Executive Officer / Office of the Prime Minister266 3058
Stenographic / Reprographic Unit266 3227
Technical Officer266 3549

Cabinet Secretariat
6th Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3279

Cabinet Secretary's Secretary266 3279

Citizenship By Investment Unit (CBIU)
1st Floor, Financial Centre, Kennedy Avenue
Tel: (767) 266 3974
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Corporate Services Officer266 5249
Examiner266 3952 / 4456 /4633
Finance Officer266 4653
Senior Examiner266 3973 / 4632 / 4630
Senior Examiner / Deputy Director266 3919
Certificate of Naturalization266 4635

High Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 448 4444

Government Printery
High Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3605
Fax: (767) 440 4800
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assistant Government Printer266 3602
Computer Room266 3604
Government Printer266 3603

Invest Dominica Authority (IDA)
Valley Road, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3536
Fax: (767) 448 5840
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Administrative Officer266 8240
Board Room266 8245
DFC Reception266 8206
Human Resource Generalist266 8233
Information Assistants266 8241
Marketing Manager266 8224
Reception266 8221
Switchboard266 3536

Public and Police Service Commissions (PSC)
Commission's Building, Jewel Street, Roseau
Tel: (767) 266 3055
Fax: (767) 440 0573
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Conference Room266 4265
Executive Officer266 3055
Security266 5103

Current Weather

Fair and hazy
30 oC
(86 oF)

Contact Us


Ground Floor
Government Headquarters
Kennedy Avenue
Commonwealth of Dominica



+1 767 266 3000 / 3500


+1 767 448 5044